Sunday, November 28, 2010

One Month

On one hand I can't believe it's already been a month...on the other I feel like I remember every single day of the past month. I am enjoying my sweet baby so much. Maybe it's because I know this is my last or maybe I'm just so glad to not be pregnant anymore but I am relishing in the time I get to spend holding her and watching her sleep. She has such an amazing spirit and I'm so glad she's mine.


heidi said...

oh my! I wish I could reach out and hold her! what a sweet beautiful little girl!

Anonymous said...

Oh she is gorgeous!

Durfee Family said...

Trisha, she is so precious! Lucky you!

Flo said...

How very darling. Only one more week and I'm going to have the best time with her. I sure hope she isn't afraid of me.

Flo said...

How very darling. Only one more week and I'm going to have the best time with her. I sure hope she isn't afraid of me.

Flo said...

They grow up way to fast, but she is so darn cute. love her