Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh Parker...

I like to buy from the Managers Special rack at Fry's for treats for the kids when they get home from school. Well, yesterday I got some donuts and stuck them in the freezer for another time.
And this morning I woke up to this

So now, I have this
Parker is known for getting up in the night and getting food. I have woken up to him, in his bedroom with the door shut no less (1st sign of trouble is always a closed door!), surrounded in wrappers and food of all kinds; Hershey Kisses, Starburst, gum, pop tarts, trail mix, dry oatmeal, chips...the list could go on and on. Usually we put a little rig I made on the fridge to keep the doors locked shut but it has recently gone missing... I wonder who could have taken it.
When I was little there were 2 boys that lived down the street named John & Jason. Whenever something went missing or someone did something"bad" me and my brothers would ALWAYS blame it on John & Jason. It is really quite funny to me that today, over 20 years later, when something goes missing I still think of John & Jason.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Janey lost both of her front teeth today. With the help of her older brother of course... They were supposed to be cleaning their room when I hear the ever so familiar cry. So what do I do? Ignore it of course. Until Janey comes into the kitchen and is bleeding all over herself and still balling. Now that she is over being mad at Russell she can't stop looking in the mirror. So funny! Here are a few pics of her showing off her toothless grin...

Monday, July 13, 2009


While we were in Cali we decided to head north and visit Chad's sister Heidi and her family in Bakersfield. It was a quick visit, less than 24 hrs. but totally worth it. Heidi is working on building up a portfolio for her photography so we were lucky enough to get her to take some pics of us. Here are a few.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

California - WARNING: lots of pics :-)

We decided to head to California after some friends of ours set up some work for Chad over there. We played at the park, went to the beach and had tons of fun with our friends. Thanks Blaine and Vickie for letting us stay with you.

They have several different water parks that we went to. The kids loved them. Wish the would make more here in AZ.

Sorry...I can't get this pic to turn but cracked up at Janey and her sunbathing.

The ice cream man there was relentless. I swear he followed us from park to park. But we only caved once.

Carson is so stinkin cute. I loved this pic of him.

Cole, Janey & Caden. The boys were fighting over who got to sit by Janey. We finally decided that she should just sit in the middle ALWAYS :-)

Janey and her cousin Katrina who happened to be at the beach the same day as us. They were visiting from Texas.

Parker didn't care much for the water, but the sand was a different story. He was in heaven.

Janey, Zachary, Russell & Katrina

Russell had a blast on the boogie board with his cousin Zachary.

Catchin' a wave.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Where Does the Time Go?

My Janey turned 6 on Monday. Where has the time gone? Here is a little slide show so you can head down 'Memory Lane' with me...

She is such a sweet girl and I'm so glad that I'm her mom (and I hope I'm not screwing her up too bad, lol).

Friday, May 1, 2009

New Family Photos!

Check them out and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy to you me...

You may be a little confused by the title of this post...however, that is how Parker sings happy birthday to himself. He turned 3 last week and has had a blast singing to himself and telling everyone that he's "fwee". So cute:-) We had some friends & family over for his "party", if you can call it that. Just a little get together for cake and ice cream. He specifically requested that he blow out his candles all by himself. So we did that a couple of times. Overall I think he had a great day. Happy birthday Parker boy! I love you to pieces...

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Wheels on the Bus

Parker started riding the bus to school today. He's too little to ride the bus I know but that doesn't change the fact that he really wants to and that most of his school friends ride the bus too. Here are some pictures I took of him right before he left. So StInKiN cUtE! and it's a good thing. He can be such a turkey sometimes but look at that face....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

5 Months Later

The last several months feel a bit like a blur. Not really sure where they went or what happened. I'm pretty sure we had a Halloween, a Thanksgiving, a Christmas, a New Year's ... somewhere in there, right? I have a few pictures to prove it. I don't know where I've been these last months, but let's try this again...
For Halloween I made Janey & Parker scrubs. Russell was a secret agent. We all had a great time at the ward trunk or treat.
Thanksgiving was split between the Anderson's & Belnap's as usual. I also had the privilege of turning 30 on that day. My family did a great job and let me know my "special day" was not forgotten just because it was Thanksgiving. We were also so excited to have Chad's sister Heidi here with her family from California.
Next was Russell's 9th birthday. We went to grandma's for dinner and had his favorite; BBQ Ribs and mashed potatoes. I can't believe he's 9. When did I get this old?
Grandma Robyn's birthday came next. I won't tell you how old she is...because I love her and want her to still love me:-) I got a great pic of her blowing out candles with the kids.
Christmas was awesome this year. The kids got a loot as usual. Chad got a bike and I got a new camera...finally! I've been dying without one.
Then in January Parker started preschool. This has been such a great thing for him. He comes home in such a good mood. He eats lunch and takes a nap. Sometimes I feel bad because I just don't get to spend much time with him on school days but he's happier than he's been...ever.
Well, must wrap up for now. Enjoy the pics.