Friday, February 8, 2008

London's Run

Oh gosh...I'm really not very good at updating this thing. Things have been busy, no surprises there! On Saturday, the 2nd, we went out to Schnepf Farms to participate in London's Run. I ran the 10K with my brother Joel, his wife Nicole, Chad's sister Alisa and her husband Jason.
Well...I didn't really run with them...more behind them! I'm certainly not a fast runner, but I always finish...eventually! There was so much going on out there for the family. My kids had a blast eating ice cream, making necklaces, climbing rock walls and getting lots of free stuff! Russell loved the rock wall. Apparently he scaled it 3 times while I was running. He's my climber.

Russell was the "Super Star" in his class last week. We made him a cool poster of pictures and stuff to show off to his classmates. Janey is loving preschool. She got her shots this week for kindergarten, which totally freaks me out. She cannot be old enough for that! Parker is doing good. He's been seeing a speech therapist for the past month or so and I am seeing some big improvements. For those of you who don't know...Parker is not much of a talker. He's a crier, all the time!!! But since we've been doing speech therapy he is learning to use other ways to communicate with others (me primarily). He is a much happier boy, which makes me a happier mom. Chad & I are doing great. I have another run planned in April, then Chad & I will take another trip to Havasupai in the summer. Chad's been playing a lot of paintball lately. He's got a good group from the ward that gets together a few times a month. Business is picking up. We've had a slow winter, but things are definitely turning around.
I love hearing from all of you and getting to read up on your families & the happenings in your lives!

P.S. Many of you have been asking about my friend Charlene who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She is doing great. For more updates, you can visit her blog. (I love the new family pics Char.)


Anonymous said...

Ok I just read your friends blog, wow what an amazing woman, she has such a positive attitude and is so strong. I bawled like a baby reading her story, can't imagine having to go through something like that. So what run are you doing in April? THat is awsome!

Jennifer said...

Hey it's good to hear everything is going good with you. I should already know that since i'm your V.T.... I'm horrable.

Kim said...

Cute update Trisha! My cousin did the London Run too. Her post sounded a lot like yours. The fact that she finished was good enough for her. Sounds like your doing good things!

Nilda Noel said...

CONGRATS on finishing London's Run. I do hope to do one with you someday. I just can't seem to find much time these days to train for something. Havasupai is getting too close.

heidi said...

way to go on he 10k i'm so excited for you all & wish I could have done it with you

man, i'm sorry about parker how tough he can be for you, i'm so happy though to hear he's improving