Monday, August 20, 2007

Four Things

I have officially been tagged by my sister-in-law Heidi.
Job's I've had:
1. File Clerk for City of Mesa, summer work program
2. Office assistant for Farmer's Insurance Agent
Office assistant at Haw's Flowers
4. Receptionist/Account Analyst for SSSC (Student Loan Company)
1. Back to Kauai with Chad (Anywhere alone with Chad)
2. NYC
3. Washington D.C.
4. Europe
Movies I put on repeat:
1. High School Musical 1 & 2
2. How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days
3. The Sound of Music
4. Cinderella
Guilty Pleasures:
1. Reading, especially when the house is a mess.
2. Word puzzles/games
3. Facials
4. Pedicures
Places I've lived:
1. Glendale, AZ
2. Tucson, AZ
3. Mesa, AZ
4. That's it, not real exciting.
Places I've Vacationed:
1. Kauai, Hawaii
2. Bear Lake, Utah
3. Big Lake, White Mountains, AZ
4. Disneyland, California
Favorite Foods:
Molten Chocolate Cake from Chili's
Pizza Cookie from Oregano's
3. Mexican Food, Julio G's
4. My mother-in-laws cinnamon rolls
First Kiss Location:
1. On the couch at my parent's house. Of course, I had to kiss him.

Now I tag Ann, Michelle, Kim, Mikelle, Jamie & Jenni.


This last week we went to California. We have some friends over there in Corona that set up several jobs for Chad. He worked almost the whole time, but the kids & I had fun! On Thursday Vicki & I took the kids to Newport Beach. Parker didn't like the sand or the water. If I put him on the blanket he did okay. (He held his leg up, so it wouldn't touch the sand. What a goof.)

Janey enjoyed playing in the sand and a little bit of water. But Russell, he was so brave. He took a kick board out there and was having a good ol' time in the waves. I was trying really hard not to be an overprotective mom and let him just try things out, but it was scary for me letting him go so far out there. He had such a great time! He loves the ocean.

We stayed with Blaine & Vicki until Saturday. Thanks you guys for opening your home to us. You always make us feel at home! Then Saturday afternoon we went to Bakersfield to see Chad's sister Heidi and her family. They have a new baby, Preston, and he is so sweet! Janey, adored him.

We went to the park and played while Chad cleaned their carpet. There's a pretty bad fire down in the Santa Barbara area and all the smoke made the sky so orange. That's why the park pictures have a weird tint.

Sunday, was the long trip home, 8 hours. The kids really did pretty well, considering none of them would sleep...Ugh! I don't know what it is with them, not even Parker will sleep. Thank goodness for portable DVD players.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Okay so the newest book in the Twilight series came out today and I'm so excited to read it. I went down and got my copy today and am wishing my kids were back in school so I could just sit and read! No such luck...not yet at least, just 5 more days!! I am so hooked on these books, so if you haven't read them they are 1. Twilight 2. New Moon 3. Eclipse written by Stephenie Meyer. For more info go to