My Grammy turned 85 in February and so we decided that was a great reason to
Uncle Cliff, Mom, Grammy, Uncle Terry
I love 'generation' pictures.
L to R Back row: Kurt, Brett, Kara, Cory, Jason, Kyle, Leah, Joel, Scott, Brad, Chris
L to R Front row: Trisha, Amy Erin
(1984ish. Kurt & Brett weren't even born yet!)
L to R: Laurel, Amy, Kara, Scott, Erin, Kyle, Chris, Brad, Leah, Jason, Trisha, Joel, Cory
Family came from across the country to celebrate with us. It was a blast!!! We haven't all been together like this since the Christmas of '89, I think. (That's the year Gram got each family a Nintendo for Christmas! Which was the greatest present ever!) Let's just say there was a lot of food, laughing, noise, arm wrestling, basketball, picture taking, talking, chaos...and very little sleep.
I just added this picture because I can!