Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

This year we did things a little bit different for Christmas. With money being tight, like I'm sure it is for just about everyone, each of the kids got 3 gifts. Something they WANT, something they NEED, and something to SHARE. This worked out so well. The kids had a great Christmas and I didn't overspend! My brother Brett stayed the night with us on Christmas Eve so he could play with the kids and they love this! He's such a good sport and so patient with them. He played Lego's with Russell for hours. What a great Uncle. We had a wonderful day relaxing and eating. Grandma & Grandpa came over for a yummy Ham dinner and we finished off the day playing cards with the missionaries.

Ready for bed. New jammies from the Pajama Elf. Brenna's not impressed!

Nice and warm by the fire. It really wasn't cold enough for a fire...but it's tradition.

Brett & Russell playing Lego's

1 comment:

Flo said...

Thats the kind of Christmas they will always remember. I think we give to much. They certainly looked happy.