I like to buy from the Managers Special rack at Fry's for treats for the kids when they get home from school. Well, yesterday I got some donuts and stuck them in the freezer for another time.
And this morning I woke up to this
So now, I have this
Parker is known for getting up in the night and getting food. I have woken up to him, in his bedroom with the door shut no less (1st sign of trouble is always a closed door!), surrounded in wrappers and food of all kinds; Hershey Kisses, Starburst, gum, pop tarts, trail mix, dry oatmeal, chips...the list could go on and on. Usually we put a little rig I made on the fridge to keep the doors locked shut but it has recently gone missing... I wonder who could have taken it.
When I was little there were 2 boys that lived down the street named John & Jason. Whenever something went missing or someone did something"bad" me and my brothers would ALWAYS blame it on John & Jason. It is really quite funny to me that today, over 20 years later, when something goes missing I still think of John & Jason.
wow! funny little parker. i'm just glad my kids still can't get into the refrigerator. otherwise,yikes. thank heaven for locks!
That is so funny Trish!
ha ha that is too cute. I find Chocolate in Jarae's room all the time. And come to think of it Both my kids are sneakers. They sneak everything.. Trav and I woke up and the kids had gone up for about 30 minutes befoe us and had the big costco bag of Dum Dum pops all over the couch except they were wrappers and they each had 3 suckers in their mouths. :)
John and Jason, huh? For some reason that sounds more believable than what they say at my house - nobody! Mr. Nobody is always doing stuff here! I think I'm gonna start blaming it on John and Jason too! :)
Love it! Just think when he gets older you can always tease him in front of the girls he is dating...
This really is too funny. Very sneaky little guy.
That is adorable and so funny. I think we all have our childhood scapegoats--soon Parker will have his own I'm sure.
That is so crazy! Even one night when Jarom didn't eat his dinner and was starving he came to me 1st. He does not like to be downstairs by himself. I think that has saved us from similar problems. I think it is funny that he had out 2 donuts and hadn't eaten either =)
That is so funny!
Love it! Totally a classic tale. I can only imagine the things you find or don't find in your home!
Who took your family pics? I love them!
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