Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Swinging & Easter

My kids love to swing! Janey's been teaching Parker how to swing on his tummy and he's just getting the hang of it so I took the camera outside and got a couple of good shots of him. Parker loves to be outside so we spend quite a bit of time in the backyard. The back door just stays open most of the time so the kids can go in and out. Janey will go out there and just start singing at the top of her lungs, usually primary songs, and I just laugh because I know the whole neighborhood can hear her. She's such a funny girl.

The Easter Bunny made it to our house this year...again. Just like always, but Russell was more worried on Saturday night about getting to bed early than he is on Christmas for Santa! He was up at the crack of dawn on Sunday (6:30) and he took the liberty of waking Parker too. And as I'm sure you all know...when the baby's awake so is the rest of the house, ugh! Finally at 7:00 I let him go out in the family room to see and what do you know...he came (like always)! I didn't take any pictures on Easter (I know I'm a bad mom), but we had a good time. Our ward had a great Sacrament Meeting program, lots of songs. Then we headed out to the Belnap's for dinner. It was nice to relax and visit with family.


heidi said...

1st of all-- preston & I are totally dancing and groving to the Last Dollar song on the blog

i love all the pictures of parker on the swing, he looks so cute & growing so big (he's two you know! that's crazy to me that carlee is almost 2 also)

sounds like russell was a bit excited for his easter candy, glad to hear it was a good day

Shayla said...

YAY, love the new post, Your kids are too cute!

Jana said...

So jealous of that warm AZ weather! When are you coming? July?

Danette said...

What fun pictures!! I want to be your neighbor and have Janey saranaid me! I forgot to take Easter pictures this year too, bummer. Jarom loves to swing, so we want to find an inexpensive swing set - before it gets too hot!

Anonymous said...

I loved the Reflection of Christ. I need to go over there and see it. I'm glad that it has been successful. What cute little guy Parker is. He is getting to be soooo big. And handsome. But what do you expect. Look at his folks. Love ya