Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Six Years

Chad & I celebrated our sixth anniversary on Saturday. We went out to dinner to one of our favorite places, Julio's Too. The original is Julio G's in Scottsdale, but Juilo's Too is closer (Val Vista & Baseline) and almost as good. Sometimes it's almost like I can't remember what it was like not being married to Chad, and other times, like when I look at these pictures, it's seems like just yesterday. Crazy how time just gets away from me...


Curt, Charlene, Luke, Ty, Jake and Chase said...

Look at those sexy people! And Russell looks so LITTLE! It's fun to see those pictures. It brings back memories of the apartment days. We miss living so close to you guys. One of these days, when we both strike it rich, we will build our dream houses side by side.

Jenni Sue said...

You're so gorgeous, Trisha! I love seeing wedding pics...

Jana said...

Happy Anniversary!

McMemories said...

sooo cute!! congrats on 6 years!! Time does fly by sooo fast!!

Shannon said...

Congrats on 6 years thats exciting! Pretty wedding fun.

Kim said...

6 years!! That seems like an eternity but yet it's hardly anything at all. There is still so much more. Happy Aniversary and I'm going to have to try that resturant sometime.

heidi said...

i remember coming home from college to see you two get married and i loved how cute russell looked, happy anniversary, sorry i'm so late, it feels like i've been so busy

Anonymous said...

Trish, you are seriously so beautiful! I love your wedding picts. Happy Anniversary!