Thursday, September 20, 2007

Celebrity Look A Likes

Is this a joke?!


Kim said...

no it's not a joke! Check you out Trisha, your a hotty, Pamela Anderson??

heidi said...

they are pretty crazy, and as odd as this my seem to you, i can kind of see you and pamela anderson look similar.

but where is chads, tom cruise. lol

Mikelle said...

You got WAY good ones-and you should have..your beautiful. I think Charlise Theron(sp?) is so beautiful and you DO look a lot like her. Woo Hoo! What is up with Chad's look-a-likes though, I think it was broken when you ran his pic- I miss you:)

Shannon said...

You did get some good look a likes who knew we had a Pam Anderson in our Ward! whew whew (that was an attempt at whistling)

Shannon said...

I was just reading your reading list...who is Ann Rule? I've never heard of her...what kind of books does she write? I would love some good recommendations for books...I've been going through a crazy reading phase and would love some more good ones to read.

Jenni Sue said...

You're such a hottie, Trisha!

Jana said...

we have joined the blogging world. Let's keep in touch! BRad and Jana

Anonymous said...

Chad does look a little similar to Monica Lewinski!!! :o)