We went to the Dr. today for Chad's first follow up appointment. They took new x-rays, took staples out and his cast off. Pretty gross. But the Dr. was happy with the way everything looked,what they were expecting I think. Basically right now the hardware is just holding the bones together so they will heal properly, it doesn't actually speed healing or anything like that, it just holds everything in place. They put Chad in a walking boot that he is not allowed to walk in yet. He can't put any weight on his foot for at least 4 more weeks. We go back for another appointment in 4 weeks and then the Dr. will see how he's progressing and either give him the okay to bear weight or might make him wait up to 4 more weeks. We are really praying that things will look GREAT at his next appointment and he will be able to put at least some weight on it. Chad can take the walking cast off in about a week for showering, which makes me oh so happy, but other than that it stays on, even for sleeping. He's done so good at following the Dr.'s orders, I haven't had to yell at him once! He was able to go to a couple of carpet cleaning appointments this last week. We are so fortunate to have my brother Brett step in and do all the "labor" and Chad just goes and hangs out in his reclining camping chair at the jobs. We'll have to get a picture of that! Brett is a really hard worker and has helped Chad in the past on bigger appointments so he knows for the most part how things are run. They are going to try to move up to 2 appointments per day this next week and see how Chad does. Russell has also been able to go to a few jobs and work hard with his Uncle Brett, whom he worships! We have been so blessed through this experience. Just to be able to have Brett so we have some sort of income is such a HUGE blessing. The ward brought in meals everyday last week for us! My wonderful sister-in-law and nieces came over last week and cooked up 50 lbs of meat to go in the freezer. That way I can just go out and grab a pound of meat and put something together for dinner. Another HUGE blessing. I've still been pretty sick, Heavenly Father hasn't taken that trial away yet :-) but I'm doing my best to get through each day. It's not always pretty and I'm rarely the "fun" mom my kids wish I was, but we are surviving.
Outside of his foot, across the ankle. I think there are about 20 staples there.
Inside of his foot. There are 2 staples there.
X-rays taken today. 1 plate & 11 screws. About 20+ staples.